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Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Tips on How to Treat Bran Being Health Foods

You know the bran is not it? I do not know ... it too! Yes, rice bran is a waste. So, the milled grain will produce waste in the form of husk and bran. There is mention fine bran. Usually just become fodder bran, beef, chicken, duck for example. Well, this time it made animal feed supplement health food cheap.
I have long practiced this. As a practitioner of alternative medicine I advise my patients to consume each bran. The results were encouraging. Bran is very beneficial to restore health to the people who run out of operation, out sick, to help cure people with diabetes and many more benefits.
The way of processing a very lahmudah sedrhana. Bran can you make into snacks, cakes, biscuits, porridge and cereal. For processing into sreal there are two kinds of pure rice bran cereals and cereal mixture. Especially for the healing of disease, especially for those who suffer from diabetes I suggest taking a pure rice bran cereal.
Sedangakn bran cereal on the market today are classified into five types, namely:
1. Traditional cereals, namely cereals sold in the market in the form of raw and processed. Cereals in this form requires cooking before consumption and are generally served while hot.
2. Cereals ready-traditional, ie cereals sold in the form of grains or powder that has been cooked and only require boiling water for preparation.
3. Cereals ready to eat (ready to eat breakfast cereal), a cereal product that has been processed and engineered according to the type and shape, such as flakes, Puffed, and shredded
4. Cereals ready to eat mix (ready to eat-cereal mix), namely processed cereal products with other products, such as grains, kacangkacangan, and / or dried fruit.
5. Various other breakfast cereal products that can not be categorized into four types above for specific processes and / or usefulness eventually. Examples of this type is the nugget cereal and baby food (weaning food).
Making way in Form Bran Cereal
One effort to improve the attractiveness of the community to utilize rice bran is the bran present in the form of a more than usual, such as cereals. The process of making instant rice bran cereal by and large there are two kinds of processed bran cereal bran cereal mixture and pure.
As for how to manufacture a mixture of bran cereal as a delicious drink taste this way:

1. Provide basic ingredients: rice bran, cornstarch, tapioca, sugar, salt, vanilla, cocoa powder, milk powder
2. Prepared tools: mixers, drumdrier, autoclave, basin, mixer
3. Shaken and stirred evenly eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla
4. Entered cornstarch and tapioca that has been sifted.
5. Batter mix evenly, then enter the milk powder, cocoa powder and
bran. Then mixing using a mixer for 30 minutes.
6. Put the dough into the autoclave, steamed at a temperature of 100-120'C for 1-2 hours.
7. The dough is inserted into the drum drier little by little, it will be formed bran cereal in the form of dry sheets.
8. Trivialized the bran cereal with manual milling and then mix and mix well with milk powder.
9. Bran cereals instant ready to be served.
As a way of creating pure bran cereals are thus:
Provide bran powder to taste. Sift in order to obtain a fine bran. Drying was so dry. Then fry without oil fry like coffee. When fully ripe sifter again so really got a smooth bran cereal and pure. How to serve it, pour boiling water into a tablespoon of bran cereal is full of powder with a glass of hot water. Stir - stir. If you have cool drink. It feels a bit tasty kepahit-pahitan. Drink twice a day and evening rice.
Just need to remember that the original bran cereal can not be stored for more than six months since going rancid. This rancid odor ditengarahi because the high protein content.
The content of rice bran according to the results of research that I read from the results of scientific work RACE Writing NATIONAL AGRICULTURE entitled "SEREAL bran RESIDUAL VALUE ADDED AS AN ALTERNATIVE Rice Milling" by Okvina Nur Alvita, Esti Rahayu Rohimah and Sri Mulyani from Bogor Agricultural University (can be downloaded here) is this:
Bran composition (by percent weight), according to Hammond (1998) in a row is 11-13% water, 18-21% crude fat and rice bran oil, 14-16% crude protein, crude srat 8-10%, 9-12% ash and 33-36% carbohydrates, Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Calcium, Magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.
Among the content of the benefits to be gained are:
1. Calcium (Ca) is useful in reducing insomnia, supports the nervous system and muscle construction, and measure your heart rate and prevent blood clotting.
2. Magnesium (Mg) are useful in activate enzymes: role in energy production, protein formation and cell replication, and meningtkan sehungga solubility of calcium in the enzyme can prevent the formation of kidney stones, gall stones and urinary tract stones .. Magnesium deficiency can cause mental disorders, fatigue, and disturbances in cardiac, neurological conditions and konraksi muscle.
3. Manganese (Mn) has the following benefits:
 Participate in several enzyme systems, particularly enzyme systems involved in controlling blood sugar, energy metabolism and thyroid hormone
 Contribute to the enzyme SOD (super oxyde dismutase) so that the cells are not easily damaged.
 Preventing epilepsy, reduces the risk of sudden heart attack
 role in brain function.
4. Iron (Fe), pick the following functions:
 Participate in a molecule of hemoglobin (red blood cells)
 As tramsportasi oxygen (O2) from the lungs to the tissues and transport O2 from the lung tissue to
 Very necessary during fetal development, adolescence, and during pregnancy and lactation. Fe deficiency during this period will cause anemia, which could reduce the power of concentration and immune function.
5. Potassium (K) together with sodium to function to maintain body fluid balance and cardiac function. Other potassium function as an introduction to nerve messages to muscles, lowers blood pressure, and sends oxygen to the brain. Lack of potassium causes stressphysical and mental.
6. Zinc (Zn) is essential for cell growth, protein synthesis and utilization of vitamin A. Unlike copper, zinc may not be present in most diets.

1 komentar:

  1. its nice
    i will try it at my country

    thank you very much
